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First Boat to Row Around Svalbard

First Boat to Row Around Svalbard

A 3000 km mind-blowing Expedition

Expedition: Row Around Svalbard
Crew: The Swedish Adventurers Sören Kjellkvist, Glenn Mattsing.
Purpose: Enlighten the changes of the Arctic for children at school.
Where: Tromsö in Norway around Svalbard and back.
Distance: 3000 km
Duration: 2 months (Finish: August 2018)
Average distance: 70km/day

All images ©Row Around Svalbard. Glenn Mattsing. Sören Kjellkvist.

Imagine setting out on the mission to be the first boat that has ever crossed Barents Sea to row around Svalbard.

That is exaclty what the Swedish adventurers Sören Kjellkvist and Glenn Mattsing did.

A 3000km long expedition from Tromsö in the north of Norway across Barents Sea to then go around the one of the world’s northernmost inhabited area, Svalbard and back to Tromsö.

Svalbard that is positioned halfway between Norway and the North pole is known for its rugged, remote terrain of glaciers and frozen tundra sheltering whales, walrus….

but also polar bears which forced them to bring rifles if it was a matter of life and death situation.

This is something that has never been done before, mostly because it has never been possible earlier due to that everything has been covered with ice…

but considering this summer made it to the record books for being the warmest in a very long time- the timing was perfect!

After riding out several storms, close encounters with dangerous animals and a few injuries they finally made it back to Tromsö after rowing a total distance of 3000km around Svalbard.

We are really proud of Glenn and Sören for being the first boat that has rowed around Svalbard and happy we could keep their gear dry and safe with our PRO DRYBAG 45L on their amazing journey!

A message we can take with us from this amazing expedition by Sören and Glenn is the importance that we protect our world oceans by reducing the use of plastic and other waste that is ending up in the ocean and being washed up on shores in remote areas like this….

Let us all together try to make a difference to save our world oceans for coming generations!

Der Pro Drypack 30L is hereby listed in the world’s largest defense logistic database. 

NATO STOCK NUMBER: 8465-64-002-2014

Key features:
✔️ Submersible down to 50m/165ft when deflated
✔️ Floats fully packed with a soldier on top when inflated
✔️ Air-tight zipper to protect electronic equipment
✔️ Oral inflator to inflate and deflate the bag quickly
✔️ Laser cut velcro internally to attach medkit pouches 
✔️ External easy access pocket for Hypothermia kit
✔️ Optional fully customizable organization system
✔️ Removable straps for underwater transportation
✔️ Attachment points to secure the bag on to anything
✔️ Optional Inflation and Exhaust valves
✔️ Optional scuba tank to rise the bag from the bottom

Thanks to our team of extreme sports athletes, world record adventurers, professional units and partners that push the boundaries what is humanly possible with our bags, 365 days per year.

Providing us with invaluable feedback so we could develop the Pro Drypack 30L

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