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Name: Rafael Bridi 

Nationality: Brazilian 

Age: 34 years 

Sport: Slackline 

NEW Guinness World Record: Highest Highline 1901 meters 

Guinness World Records: 2 

World Records: 3 

Bag used: PRO DRYBAG 45L

Now our team adventurer, Rafa has done it again as he broke his second on Sunday 28th of November official Guinness World Record and third world record in total! Rafa walked between to hot air-balloons 1901 meters / 6235 feet above ground in Santa Catarina, Praia Grande, Brazil and by that secured yet another Guinness World Record for Highest highline 1901 meters above ground.

We are blown away to say the least about Rafa’s latest Official Guinness World Record and we can’t wait to see what he will up to next!

Rafael now holds two Guinness World Records and a number of Brazilian and Latin American Records. The first Guinness World Record was made in 2017, where he walked 670 meters across Wanfu Lake in China.

The second world record was done this time last year.

A mind blowing 260 meter long highline in the crater of an active volcano in Mount Yasur in Tanna Island, Vanuatu.

Here you can hear what Rafa has to say about SUBTECH and our bags:

We are stoked to have Rafabridi on our team and we can’t wait to see where he will bring our gear next. Click here to follow him on his epic adventures. For media inquiries, please contact us at: pr@subtechsports.com.

Image rights: Go Visuals. Rafael Bridi

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